Ekom Compressors are designed for applications demanding high quality, reliability, long life and ease of service. The wide range of models extends from small pumps to multi unit towers supplying plant room air.
The basis of product line are the oil-free dental compressors used as a source of clean compressed air in dental clinics and laboratories. Self-lubricating piston rings made of Teflon, medically sound components, internal surface coating of the air receivers, automatic dryers together with filtration units are the guarantee of a high quality of air supplied by our compressors.
Industrial version of compressors are supplied to railway, mechanical, laboratory, printing, food, beverage and wellness industry. Industrial air compressors with working pressure up to 10 bar, with cabinet, filtration and dryer solutions as a option to give clean, dry, oil free compressed air.
With the production of almost 10 thousand originally designed, silent and reliable compressors a year Ekom has a dominant position in the market places of Europe, Asia as well as overseas, what is guaranty of your satisfaction.

Compressor efficiency 75 l/min.
Operating pressure 4.5 to 6 barG
Operating pressure up to 8 barG
DK50 2V
Compressor efficiency 75 to 140 l/min.
Operating pressure 4.5 to 6 barG
Operating pressure up to 8 barG
DK50 2V /50
Compressor efficiency 140 l/min.
Operating pressure up to 8 barG
Compressor efficiency 140 l/min.
Operating pressure up to 8 barG

DK50 2V /110
DK50 2x2V /110
Compressor efficiency 140 to 280 l/min.
Operating pressure 5 to 7 barG
Operating pressure up to 8 barG

Compressor efficiency 480 l/min.
Operating pressure 6 to 8 barG

Compressor efficiency 480 to 1800 l/min.
Operating pressure 6 to 8 barG